sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

Starting again ..

Thursday, March 25, 2010

That is how I fell, starting one more time.
To became a clinical psychologist or even a counsellor in Quebec, on top of speaking French (at least being a Permanet Resident "PR"  in Quebec you have the right to study French for free for until for 5 years) also I need 6 to 7 years commitment with PHD training full time course .
I paid the CAD 105,00 fees to have my diplomas recognized by Quebec, to make an evaluation-comparative.
. I have been waiting to be accepted as a Permanent Resident in canada, and for a while I am doing whatever is possible to make my life easier when the time to start the running begun.
For now is saying to myself every day, be calm, make your thoughts quiet and breath deeply. And wait a bit longer because the answer from the CIC is coming.
The sooner the best.

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