500 Place d'armes
Bureau 1925
Montréal Québec H2Y 2W3
Desculpem se esse post esta em ingles, mas é pelo motivo de eu ter escrito para uma ex professora americana, doutora em psychologia que também devera passar pelo teste para a OPQ, isso para mostrar que nao somos so nos sul americanos, que passamos por esse desafio!
Espero que este post possa dar algumas dicas, pois o site da OQLF e os links que eles fornecem nao nos deixam saber muitos detalhes sobre o test. e apesar da minha insistencia eles nao dispuseram nenhum modelo do test para visualicao.
Apos enviar o formulario especifico da sua profissao (que a propria OPQ te fornece quando envia a resposta do seu processo de demanda para ser aceito como membro) para OPQ aprovar, assinar e carimbar, eles remetem a demanda para a QQLF que te enviara uma carta com a data, horario, endereco para o teste que dura em torno de 3:30 horas.
To prepare for the test I decided to concentrate on
the professional vocabulary as:
Psychologie humaine
L’approche cognite-béhaviorale etc
What interventions
humanistes includes:
- Moment présent
- Pensées positives
- Instincts
- Motivations
- Buts
some key words that could make my writing richer as:
ce sens
My test was 3:10 h long.
3 notebooks with different colours are given to each
of the presents (the large room, with a wonderful 19th floor view of
Montreal (I took several pictures!), was almost empty. They had about 20 chairs
with about just 9 of us being tested).
There is no pause between the 4 parts (in this
- Compréhension de l’oral (40 questions à choix multiples) : environ 45 minutes
- Expression orale (entrevue) : entre 10/15 minutes
- Expression écrite (1 question de rédaction) : 60 minutes
- Compréhension de l’écrit (20 questions à choix multiples) : environ 60 minutes
The only break I had, of about 3 minutes to go to
the toilet was between the 1st part; the oral comprehension and the
The 3 hours are intense, the test is tiring and
demanding, however I don’t think it was very difficult. I don’t know either if
I managed passing it!
1st. part
It started very easy with basic questions (about 4/6
questions) and became less simple on the last 30 questions that you hear just
2nd. part
The interview is recorded. I could say that it was
the easier part for me; however, it was impossible not to feel uncomfortable,
insecure, and almost nervous during the 15 minutes I stayed with a young,
pleasant, and probably a Quebecoise interviewer.
Her questions were almost as she was just curious to
know more about my profession; she asked things as:
- · Why did I chose psychology
- · What did I believe made a good psychologist
- · What is anxiety (because I had told her that my internship was at the anxiety clinic at the Douglas)
- · What OCD people do
- · Which areas did I work when I started my career
I did not like this last question because I did not
remember much; it was far too long ago. So, what I did was to speak longer of
subjects I had more vocabulary and I was more comfortable as my internship at
the Douglas Institute, which I finished just 5 months ago.
3rd. part
The writing was demanding.
A situation was presented
(a paragraph written on one of the books) saying that Monsieur Lagacé was the
owner of a company which was going through some specific problems as lack of
communications between the boss (M. Lagacé) and the employees, lack of point
technology, complaints from employees and clients, etc.
It was asked to write
between 25/30 lines (between 200 and 250 words):
- · Briefly resuming the complaints
- · Suggesting and justifying solutions for some or all problems
- · Conclusion
A piece of paper was
given where a letter was already started with: “Madam, Monsieur,”, and finished
with “Veuillez recevoir, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de nos salutations
distinguées” (or something close to that).
space asking your signature _________________________
will have the option to make a draft that will also stay there, but it will not
be corrected or considered for grades.
4th. part
After 2 hours of test this last part arrived when my
head was already aching, which made the reading a bit harder.
- Just 2 texts to read; the 1st. was 2 pages long, and the 2nd. had 3 pages:
- The first one about a psychological research on parenting and the importance of sharing the children’s education
- The second text about forensic psychologists and their professional role, personal/professional posture etc
Para passar no teste 60% de acerto é exigido em cada uma das 4 partes.
OQLF enviara uma carta para seu endereco de correspondencia com o resultado do teste apos 2 semanas.
O teste podera ser repetido sem custo apos no minimo 3 meses de intervalo.
Otima sorte para nos :)
Olá! Obrigada por compartilhar sua experiencia. Voce pode esclarecer o que quer dizer "What OCD people do". Meu ingles ainda não está ok.
Essa questao ja foi respondida por text message. Mas repito aqui: OCD = obessessive compulsive disorder.
ExcluirOtima sorte na caminhada Fernanda! :)